JAKARTA - DKI Governor Anies Baswedan asked Jakarta residents to be disciplined in traffic. Remembering, Polda Metro Jaya and Provincial Government of DKI held Zebra Operation.

"We want to invite everyone while this is a new chapter for some time we reduce mobility, reduce activities outside the home, work a lot at home, and the surroundings. In this new chapter, make it an opportunity for a new chapter in discipline, traffic discipline," said Anies at Polda Metro Jaya, Monday, November 15.

Anies said, during the COVID-19 pandemic, all parties learned to be disciplined in carrying out health protocols, such as using masks to maintaining distance.

Now, Anies asks that the disciplinary learning in health protocols is also applied to traffic discipline.

"Traffic with discipline will ensure that we depart from home with the hope of arriving at our destination safely and hoping to return home safely and it all requires discipline in us carrying out all traffic regulations," he said.

The DKI Provincial Government will fully support the 2021 Zebra Operation which is a warning to motorized vehicle users when using highways or public roads to comply with all provisions.

"We fully support it and hopefully, after the 2021 Zebra Operation, the vehicles will be more orderly, the exhaust noise will no longer be there, and the use of attributes will be in accordance with the provisions," said Anies.

For information, Polda Metro Jaya together with the Provincial Government (Pemprov) and the TNI will hold Operation Zebra Jaya. The operation will last for two weeks.

Operation Zebra will start on Monday, November 15 to November 28. However, in later operations it will not be centered in one point. This is because the patrol pattern is carried out moving in a number of points prone to traffic violations that will be implemented.

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