JAKARTA - The satire of a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission I who is also the Deputy Chair of the Gerindra Party's Board of Trustees, Fadli Zon, to President Joko Widodo about the flood in Sintang, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan) led to a warning. The reprimand was even directly from the General Chairperson of Gerindra, Prabowo Subianto.

It started with a tweet by Fadli Zon who commented on Jokowi after directly testing the Mandalika Circuit in the Mandalika Special Economic Zone (KEK), Central Lombok, NTB.

The chairman of the DPR BKSAP gave his appreciation, as well as satirizing Jokowi about the Sintang flood. It is known, the flood that hit Sintang did occur for more than two weeks. The Sintang flood has not subsided and has caused thousands of houses to be submerged.

"It's amazing, sir. Congratulations on the inauguration of the Mandalika Circuit. When are you going to Sintang, it's been 3 weeks the floods haven't subsided," Fadli wrote on his personal Twitter account, @fadlizon, as seen on Saturday, November 13.

As a result, Fadli Zon's satire made General Chairman Prabowo Subianto intervene. Prabowo reprimanded Fadli Zon not directly, but through Gerindra Secretary General Ahmad Muzani.

"Mr. Prabowo through Mr. Secretary General," said Gerindra spokesman, Habiburokhman, to reporters, Sunday, November 14.

Habiburokhman said Fadli Zon's statement insinuating Jokowi about the Sintang flood was a personal attitude, not related to the party or the Gerindra faction in the DPR RI.

"Regarding Mr. Fadli Zon's tweet about Sintang, we need to straighten it out if the statement does not represent a faction or party," said Habiburokhman.

A political observer at Esa Unggul University, M. Jamiluddin Ritonga, regretted the Gerindra DPP's warning to Fadli Zon for criticizing President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

According to him, the Gerindra Party has taken Fadli Zon as a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives too far. The reason is that Fadli Zon, who has the right to supervise the function, has been castrated.

Jamiluddin assessed that the Gerindra DPP's warning would weaken the oversight function of DPR RI members. Members of the House of Representatives from parties that support the government, especially from the Gerindra Party, will be increasingly worried about exercising their supervisory function rights.

"If the majority of the members are afraid to exercise their right of supervisory function, then the person concerned is no longer fit to be a member of the DPR RI. Because the person concerned is no longer fully carrying out his function as a member of the DPR RI," said Jamiluddin in Jakarta, Monday, November 15.

In addition, Jamiluddin continued, the Indonesian House of Representatives will automatically become more sterile. This will be dangerous because the supervision of the executive will be increasingly discontinued.

He is worried that the executive will be more arbitrary if the supervision of members of the DPR RI weakens. The executive, he said, would also increasingly dictate to parliament and make it a mere stamp institution.

If that happens, according to Jamiluddin, the DPR RI in the reform era will return to its function as in the New Order era. Where the DPR RI is only used as an institution to approve all the wishes of the executive.

"This will jeopardize the continuity of democracy in the country. Dissent and criticism have been considered as endangering the continuity of power," he said.

Therefore, added Jamiluddin, Fadli Zon must have the courage to fight the whims of his party for the sake of upholding the right of the supervisory function.

"Fadli Zon must dare to be a martyr in order to maintain the dignity of the DPR RI and the continuity of democracy in the water realm," he said.

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