JAKARTA - A group of about 50 migrants broke through the border fence with Belarus and entered Poland near the village of Starzyna, Polish police said Sunday, November 14.

As reported by Antara, Sunday, November 14, the situation in the region became increasingly tense after thousands of migrants crossed Belarus to cross into the European Union and were stuck at the border with Poland in cold.

The European Union accuses Minsk's rulers of deliberately stoking the crisis to pressure them in retaliation for the sanctions imposed, but Belarus has repeatedly denied this.

Several countries in the region have warned the situation could escalate into a military conflict.

"Yesterday, before 5 pm, about 50 people broke into Poland near Staryzna," Podlaska police, Poland, said on Twitter.

They added that 22 Iraqis had been arrested in the incident. Police also said they were attacked on Saturday night in a separate incident as migrants forced their way across the border.

A police officer's helmet was damaged after being hit by a stone in the incident.

The Polish Border Guard said there were 223 attempts to cross the border illegally on Saturday.

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