JAKARTA - The East Jakarta Fire and Rescue Service (Gulkarmat) evacuated five snakes found by residents in the badminton court locker of RT 11/RW 07 Ciracas.

Head of the Ciracas Sector 8 Fire Platoon Group B, Enjat Sudrajat explained, the five snakes consisted of four pythons and one cobra which were found on Thursday, November 11.

"It was found in a locker where badminton sports equipment is stored. The four pythons and one cobra are all still cubs," said Enjat Sudrajat, quoted by Antara, Friday, November 12.

Enjat added that his party had deployed four personnel to evacuate the snakes from the residents' settlements.

He said, in less than 15 minutes four pythons with a length of about 60 centimeters and one cobra as long as 80 centimeters were successfully evacuated.

"There are no obstacles for evacuation. These five snakes do not breed in lockers, so they hatch in other places and then enter the lockers. Indeed, now is the time for the snakes to hatch," said Enjat.

Enjat said the five snakes were temporarily taken to the East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. office, Ciracas District, before being handed over to the reptile-loving community.

"The plan is to hand it over to the community. Usually they prefer small snakes because they are easier to care for. Large ones are usually brought and released in their habitat," said Enjat.

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