JAKARTA - The Jakarta Legal Aid Institute (LBH), Jeanny Sirait, said that her party had received complaints from victims of online loans reaching thousands of people.
"We receive 7,200 complaints via email, consultation complaints, and by telephone every day", Jeanny told VOI at the Central Jakarta District Court, Friday, November 12.
In addition to receiving reports of borrowed victims, Jeanny noted that there were reports of suicides due to debt bondage.
"What we have recorded is that there have been 6 to 7 reports of suicide due to online loans over the last 3 years", she said.
Furthermore, Jeanny explained, the problem of borrowing cannot be responded to by a call center, police report, even by closing the application. Jeanny said it was a reactive response that emerged after the problem existed.
"What is needed is prevention efforts through regulations that have never existed. The regulations needed by the community that is comprehensive and answer the public's needs have never existed until now", she said.
The reactive response carried out by the police, she continued, would not answer the problem because a new problem would return. The response needed, continued Jeanny, is a preventive response so that problems do not arise again.
"What is targeted through the Citizen Law Suit (CLS) in the Central Jakarta District Court is a comprehensive regulation and answers the public's needs. It is not a reactive regulation", she said.
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