JAKARTA - Deputy V of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Jaleswari Pramodhawardani emphasized that there should be no more abuse, corruption, or extortion in the distribution of special autonomy funds (Otsus) to ensure the effectiveness of Papua and West Papua development programs.

Jaleswari revealed this in a discussion with Papua Corruption Watch, in Jayapura, Thursday, according to a KSP press release.

"We have to make sure that in the future the special autonomy fund must have an impact on Papua, not only physical development but also human development," Jaleswari said as quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 11.

Jaleswari's statement responded to the criticism that the management and utilization of the special autonomy program for 20 years had not been effective in improving the welfare of the Papuan people, as seen from the Papuan Community Development Index (IPM) score which fell 0.40 points from 60.84 in 2019, and the 2019 West Papua HDI which still below the national HDI average.

Jaleswari said that the government had prepared a corruption prevention mechanism through the Stranas PK which could be applied to assist the management and implementation of special autonomy in the future.

In accordance with Presidential Regulation 54 of 2018 Action for Stranas PK 2021-2022, local governments in Papua and West Papua can carry out relevant actions to improve governance. So it is necessary to synchronize planning and budgeting, which can be applied to further strengthen the implementation of special autonomy in the future.

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