JAKARTA - YouTuber Atta Halilintar shared a video from CCTV footage of the theft that took place in front of his house, in the Pondok Indah area, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta. The video shows the perpetrator in action at 23.10 WIB and carrying a Scoopy motorbike that was parked at his house.

According to Atta Halilintar and his employees, from their movements, the perpetrators allegedly targeted another motorbike. However, due to the difficulty of access, the thief ended up stealing an easily accessible motorbike. However, until now there has been no police report related to the incident.

"There has been no report so far," said the Head of the Kebayoran Lama Police, Kompol Donni Bagus Wibisono, when contacted by reporters, Wednesday, November 10.

Kompol Donni admitted that his party had picked up the ball in handling the case. Its members have also checked the scene. He said, led by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kebayoran Lama Police, today his party will also return to Atta Halilintar's house to carry out the investigation process related to the theft case that befell the artist.

"The Criminal Investigation Unit has been there since yesterday. This morning he was there again," said Donni.

The theft incident that happened to Atta Halilintar was shared through his YouTube account. From the recording, it can be seen that the perpetrator only took a moment to be able to bring the motorbike. Without the key, the man who was wearing the helmet only took no more than two minutes.

"Well, it lights up right away, guys, really fast," said Aurel Hermansyah's husband.

Unfortunately, the identity of the perpetrator is still difficult to obtain. Atta Halilintar said that the police number of the perpetrator's motorbike was difficult to read because of the rainy conditions.

"The problem with the license plate is not visible, because it was raining and the CCTV was hit by water, so it wasn't focused," said Atta.

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