JATENG - The Batang Regency Government, Central Java, targets the implementation of vaccination for 30 thousand elderly citizens to be realized on November 15-16, 2021.

The Head of the Batang District Health Office, Didiet Wisnuhardanto, said that the enthusiasm of residents to vaccinate is now showing a positive trend, so he is optimistic that the vaccination target will be achieved by mid-November 2021.

"Alhamdulillah, currently the provision of the first dose of vaccination has reached 48.85 percent. Currently, there are only 4,800 elderly citizens who are planning to be vaccinated on November 16, 2021", he said in Batang as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 9.

According to him, the district government currently has 37 thousand doses of vaccine, consisting of Sinovac and Pfizer vaccines.

"Therefore, to catch up with the achievement of vaccination for the elderly, we will hold a coordination meeting with relevant agencies. The achievement of this vaccination will be an indicator for each region to reduce the level of implementation of community activity restrictions (PPKM) which is currently still at level 3", he said.

He said that currently the status of Batang Regency has zero cases (zero COVID-19) but the achievement of the requirements for the reduction in the PPKM category has not been fulfilled, namely the indicator of elderly citizens who have not fully received vaccinations.

"Therefore, we hope that the vaccination for the elderly can run smoothly", said Didiet.

Didiet said that currently vaccination coverage and the level of community discipline in complying with health protocols are good enough so that the spread of COVID-19 cases can be suppressed.

"We invite residents to continue to improve their discipline in complying with health protocols. Likewise, for residents who have not been vaccinated to do so immediately while adhering to strict health protocols", he said.

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