JAKARTA - Around 3,000 protesters marched in a million New Zealand Parliament buildings, protesting policies related to COVID-19 vaccination and the lockdown imposed by the government to control the spread of the outbreak.

Thousands of protesters, most of them not wearing masks, walked through the capital's city center, including dozens of motorcyclists who joined biker gangs and went on a burnout.

Some participants carried "Trump 2020" flags, while others carried signs carrying messages from Maori groups, those affected by the lockdown and teachers facing job loss if they refused vaccinations.

Others targeted Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern with slogans such as "Pro Choice, Anti Jacinda," with "Media Lies" and "Media Betrayal" also prominent.

Protests were peaceful, with demonstrators dispersed after performing mass haka in parliament's courtyard. The traditional Maori haka is used in a variety of ways, to intimidate opponents, to celebrate, but also to mourn.

Police said there were no arrests in Wellington, although they expressed disappointment at so many participants violating coronavirus restrictions.

Separately, PM Jacinda Ardern said most New Zealanders supported her government's virus response, citing figures showing nearly 90 percent of the population had received their first dose of vaccination.

"What we saw today is not representative of the majority of New Zealanders," he told reporters, citing the Daily Sabah of 9 November.

To note, PM Ardern's Government has adopted a tough COVID-19 response, including a tough lockdown and strict border restrictions, leaving New Zealand with just 31 deaths from the virus in a population of 5 million.

Residents of the country's largest city, Auckland, have been subject to stay-at-home orders since mid-August. PM Ardern this week indicated the restrictions would remain in place until the end of November.

However, he has pledged to introduce more freedoms, including ending the lockdown, after 90 percent of New Zealand's population is fully vaccinated.

However, those who remain unvaccinated will still face restrictions on their work, travel and entertainment options.

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