JAKARTA - Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General Andika Perkasa has gone through a series of processes to determine his eligibility to become TNI Commander replacing Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, who will retire this month. After taking office, he was judged to have a number of tasks to do.

A number of stages have been carried out by Andika to sit on the seat of the TNI Commander. He has carried out the fit and proper test by Commission I of the DPR RI on Saturday, November 6, and factual verification at his residence on Sunday, November 7.

Furthermore, the results of the series of tests will be announced on Monday, November 8 during a plenary meeting at the DPR RI. The plan, this activity will be carried out at 10:00 western Indonesia time.

"The DPR's plenary meeting will be held Monday, November 8 at 10:00 western Indonesia time. General Andika is invited to the plenary session to convey the DPR's decision making," said Deputy Chairman of Commission I DPR RI Abdul Kharis Almasyahari.

So what tasks will await Andika after he was sworn in as Commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)?

Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko said there are a number of things that Andika will have to do when he is in office for approximately 400 days. One of them is to carry out the internal reorganization of the TNI.

Moeldoko also asked Andika to step on the gas immediately after being inaugurated by President Jokowi. The goal is that changes in the TNI body can become a legacy that can be enjoyed by the next generation.

"There are several things that should have been prepared, including that he will regenerate. Because at the end of his term of office, the President will leave a legacy of a reorganization order that will mature in the future," Moeldoko told reporters, Friday, November 5.

In addition, Andika Perkasa is also required to evaluate his reorganization. Moeldoko said that this method could be done by listening to input in the field and this input was then reviewed.

Then, the former TNI Commander also said Andika should further improve strength building by doing a number of things, including joint exercises. This must be done so that the TNI is always ready to face the challenges that exist.

"So I want to explain that there are two different things that are handled. The Chief of Staff of the Forces is the development of operational capabilities, logistical capabilities, personnel, territory, and so on. That's the realm of the Chiefs of Staff of the Forces," said Moeldoko.

"Meanwhile, the realm of the TNI Commander is building strength. So the prepared strength is fostered so that it is always on operational alert, for example conducting joint exercises. That is strength building," he added.

Next, Moeldoko reminded Andika Perkasa that he must be able to regulate the use of TNI forces. Thus, each dimension such as land, sea, and air is more stable in carrying out its duties.

"Lastly, there is the issue of soldiers' welfare which needs to be improved from time to time," he explained.

Another task that must also be completed by Andika is to provide support for investigations and investigations of cases of gross human rights violations. This was conveyed by the Deputy Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Amiruddin.

This hope was conveyed by Amiruddin because he saw the current situation in Papua which was heating up. This often occurs due to open firefights between security forces and armed groups.

In addition, he also hopes for a commitment from Andika Perkasa to stop the conflict in Papua which is considered protracted. "(It is necessary, ed) there is a deadline from the candidate for the Commander in Chief so that the conflict does not drag on in Papua," said Amiruddin.

"The new TNI commander needs to show support for investigation efforts and the investigation of events that are suspected of violating human rights," he concluded.

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