JAKARTA - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, plays a role as a teacher for kindergarten children. He invited dozens of children who had lost their parents due to the impact of COVID-19 on a pilgrimage to the grave of Indonesia's First President Soekarno in Blitar City, East Java, Saturday.
"I'm a kindergarten teacher now, let's go on a pilgrimage to Bung Karno's grave," said Risma inviting the children who had gathered at the Bung Karno Proclaimer Library's UPT Building.
Risma and the children prayed for the Proclaimer, then sprinkled flowers on the grave. He also sprinkled flowers on the graves of Soekarno's parents, which were right next door.
A total of 39 children representing Children's Attention recipients from Blitar City and Blitar Regency received assistance, each Rp. 200,000 for children in school, and Rp. 300,000 for children who were not yet in school.
The total recipients are 111 children from Blitar City and 42 children from Blitar Regency.
In this series of activities, Risma invites children to read Pancasila. Each child gets a poster showing the face of an Indonesian hero.
In addition, he motivates children who go to school not to waste time other than studying. The motivation is intended so that these children become strong in facing life.
Separately, Risma said that the pilgrimage was to raise their spirits and at the same time show them a good role model.
“There are also children who do not understand struggle songs. If it can be inflamed, they will not give up, if they can imitate how difficult it is to get independence," he said.
In this series of activities, Risma made arrangements for Bung Karno's tomb area to make it more neat and aesthetic, so that more young people could visit.
The Ministry of Social Affairs handed over a total aid of Rp. 3.88 billion for 10 cities/regencies in East Java. The assistance reached around 4,700 recipients and one community group.
The aid is the result of support from seven centers, namely the Soeharso Great Hall of Surakarta, Bogor's Galih Pakuan Hall, Bali Mahatmiya Hall, Bekasi's Budhi Dharma Hall, Magelang Antasena Hall, Balai Satria Baturaden, and Balai Panasea Bambu Apus Jakarta.
Assistance is also the result of support from the Directorate General of Social Empowerment, the Directorate General of Handling the Poor and the Directorate General of Protection and Social Security.
Types of assistance in the form of Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI), entrepreneurship, accessibility and basic needs assistance. Through the Directorate General of Social Affairs, Rp180 million was distributed in the form of 2,000 packages of rice for the Anisah Foundation.
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