CITY OF BATU - The number of victims of flash floods in Batu City, East Java has increased to 7 people. This flash flood hit 6 villages in Batu City on Thursday, November 4th.

The victims are Wiji (55) and Sarip (60), residents of Gintung Hamlet, Bulukerto Village. Then Mahendra Fery (30) and his son Ziya (3.5 years). The other victims were Wakri (54) a resident of Giripurno Hamlet, Adi Wibowo (40) a resident of Kartini Street, and Fery (30), a resident of Sambong Hamlet, Bumiaji.

Mayor of Batu, Dewanti Rumpoko, said the flash flood affected 145 houses of Batu City residents. The occupants are temporarily evacuated.

“Most of them took refuge in their relatives' houses. Some of them are also at the Refugee Command Post which has been built by Tagana", he told reporters, Friday, November 5.

Currently, joint officers from BPBD (Regional Disaster Management Agency), Tagana (Social Welfare Personnel), Army/Police, and SAR volunteers continue to evacuate flood sediment material at a number of points that cut off road access.

The worst point is in Bulukerto Village. Meanwhile, 6 points in the Batu City village that were affected by the flash flood were Sambong Hamlet and Beru Hamlet, Bulukerto Village, Dieng Sidomulyo Highway, Sumberbrantas Village, Selecta Tulungrejo Highway and Gemulo Punten Hamlet.

In addition to Batu City, this flash flood also caused damage in Malang City. It was recorded that there were around 149 houses affected by the flood and 425 residents evacuated.

"There are 4 affected points, namely in Jatimulyo Village, Rampal Celaket (Kampung Putih) Samaan and Kota Lama. The worst was in Kampung Putih", said Malang Mayor Sutiaji.

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