Proven To Be Negligent In The Case Of Muhammad Kece, 2 Criminal Investigation Bureau Detention Center Officers Are Now Placed In Special Cells

JAKARTA - Two guards at the Criminal Investigation Bureau Detention Center, Bripka Wandoyo Edi, and Bripda Saep Sigit were proven negligent in carrying out their security duties in a series of cases of alleged mistreatment of Muhammad Kece. Both were sentenced to be placed in a special cell for the Professional and Security Division (Propam) of the National Police.

"The results of the disciplinary hearing on disciplinary violations against 2 members of the prison guard on November 3, 2021, have imposed a special placement sanction (Patsus)", said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan to reporters, Friday, November 5.

Both were placed in a special Propam cell for a week. The disciplinary sanctions have been in effect since Wednesday, November 3.

"For 7 days in (cell) the Propam Police Division", said Ramadhan.

However, Ramadhan denied that the sanctions against the two were referred to as detention. Because Bripka Wandoyo Edi and Bripda Saep Sigit were proven to have committed non-criminal ethical violations.

"Not being detained. If you are detained, it is a criminal act. But this is the term for special placement. If the prisoner is a criminal, he is not violating a crime but violating discipline", said Ramadhan.

Ramadhan previously mentioned two members of the Criminal Investigation Bureau Detention Center guard who were negligent, namely Bripka Wandoyo Edi and Bripda Saep Sigit. They did not secure the prisoners. There was an act of persecution against M Kece.

"The form of his actions was that the Bripka W and Bripda S prison guards did not carry out their duties to secure prisoners as well as possible, resulting in the mistreatment of MK", said Ramadhan.

Both were found guilty based on the results of the trial. Both of them violated Government Regulation number 2/2003 Article 4 (d) and (f) namely disciplinary violations not implementing discipline, not implementing SOPs in guarding prisoners.

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