JAKARTA - Social media activist Ferdinand Hutahean 'smells' another goal behind the 212 Reunion which is planned to be held on December 2 this year. According to him, this reunion was ordered by a rotten businessman or conglomerate to create commotion and chaos in Indonesia.

"Creating commotion and noise can be a strategy so that the debts of rotten conglomerates are neglected or their collection is delayed. Because if the country is stable, they will be forced to pay. No wonder the rice packs in gowns can order a reunion. The goal is to make noise!," said Ferdinand, quoted from the statement. his Twitter account, @FerdinandHaean3, Friday, November 5th.

By gathering large numbers of people, Ferdinand feared that Reunion 212 would bring disaster to the community. Because it has the potential to spread COVID-19.

"The impact is the suffering of the people because the economy will be hit,"

"I think that these demos, such as Slamet, Haikal, Bamukmin, Musni, etc., have been arrested for prevention and for the safety of the people," said the former Democrat Party politician.

Separately, the General Chair of PA 212, Slamet Ma'arif, admitted that the 212 Reunion would be held on 2 December. "God willing (Reunion 212)," said Slamet when confirmed.

Currently, the organizing committee is busy formulating the event. According to Slamet, the participants will be attended by a number of mass organizations.

"It's just the form of the event that we are discussing," he explained.

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