JAKARTA - Commission I of the DPR will complete the fit and proper test for the candidate for TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa this weekend. DPR chairman Puan Maharani hopes that the fit and proper test will produce the best TNI Commander.

"Those who are capable and competent to bring the TNI into a superior and great defense force," said Puan in Jakarta, Friday (11/5/2021).

Puan said that the TNI Commander in the future must ensure that the main tasks of the TNI run well as a defense tool, namely upholding sovereignty, maintaining the territorial integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution and protecting the entire nation and the homeland of Indonesia from threats and disturbances to the integrity of the nation and state.

"We want the new TNI commander to be able to realize the TNI's strength that is respected in the region," he continued through a statement received by the editor.

He added that the challenge for the TNI is getting bigger because we are not only facing the threat of physical war (face to face) but also the threat of cyber warfare that uses advances in technology, artificial intelligence, robotics, and high-precision weapons.

“Especially with the increasingly intense dynamics of globalization and the post-pandemic situation, as well as the increasingly dynamic challenges in the defense sector, a TNI Commander is required to be able to anticipate developments in the strategic environment and be able to make new breakthroughs that are not business as usual in realizing a professional and modern TNI in the field of defense. order to ensure the upholding of the sovereignty of the country that is loved by the people," said Puan.

Puan said the TNI Commander must maintain internal solidity in order to protect the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

“To the TNI, we must always remember Bung Karno's message, that the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia must be united and united. And the only basis for the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia to be united is the Pancasila basis. If you use a basis other than Pancasila, the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia will be divided. Hold fast to this, brothers and sisters," said Puan.

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