JAKARTA - The Directorate of Traffic of the Metro Jaya Police has confirmed that it has not taken any action related to violations of vehicle exhaust emissions. The policy on gas emissions will come into effect in two weeks.

The implementation of the gas emission policy supports the Governor's Regulation (Pergub) No. 66 of 2020 regarding the creation of a blue sky in Jakarta by regulating emissions generated from vehicles.

"Indeed, there is a gubernatorial regulation regarding emission tests, which stated yesterday that on November 13, the announcement of the fines will begin, but we emphasize that we have not taken action with the ticket until now", said Director of Traffic of Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo, to reporters, Thursday, November 4.

In addition, Sambodo also said that soon his party will coordinate with the DKI Transportation Agency (Dishub). The coordination is related to the supervision of vehicle gas emissions.

"We will coordinate with the Transportation Agency how the technical implementation will be, whether the vehicles will be stopped one by one, right now the raids are no longer allowed", said Sambodo.

For this reason, no action has been taken. Action in the form of a new ticket will be carried out after an agreed method of supervision related to vehicle gas emissions is agreed upon.

"So we will determine how and technically the violation of exhaust gas emissions so that until now there is still no action related to the ticket", said Sambodo.

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