MADIUN - Madiun City finally recorded zero or zero active cases of COVID-19 after one remaining active case, namely case number 7,263, had been declared cured. In addition, there were no new confirmed cases of COVID-19.

"Alhamdulillah, Madiun City has finally zero COVID-19 cases. All have recovered and don't ignore it," said Head of the Communication and Information Division of the Madiun City Communications and Information Office (Diskominfo), Juvita Rosa, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, November 3.

He asked all residents of Madiun City to continue to be disciplined in implementing health protocols (prokes). Moreover, currently Madiun City has also entered PPKM level 1 status.

"Don't be careless, you must continue to be disciplined in the process. If the commitment is implemented and maintained properly by the whole community, it is hoped that the pandemic will end soon," he said.

Even though there have been zero active cases, COVID-19 is still there and dangerous. Transmission is still possible if you ignore health protocols. Therefore, the Madiun City Government continues to intensively socialize the importance of health programs.

The Madiun City Government also continues to make other prevention and anticipation efforts, in addition to prokes discipline. From randomized antigen testing to COVID-19 vaccination. Vaccination rates are also quite high. Namely, reaching 98 percent for the 1st dose and 63 percent for the second dose.

It was recorded, overall in Madiun City positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 until Wednesday (3/11) had reached 7,263 people. Of that number, 6,752 people have recovered, zero people are under treatment, zero people are self-isolating, zero people are integrated isolation, and 511 people have died.

Additional cases as of this Wednesday, November 3rd, new confirmations were nil, one person recovered, and none died. With the addition of one recovered person, Madiun City is now zero active cases of COVID-19.

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