JAKARTA - The Maluku High Prosecutor's Office investigators finally named five people as suspects in the alleged criminal act of corruption in the direct expenditure budget at the Regional Secretariat of West Seram Regency for the 2016 fiscal year, amounting to IDR 18 billion.

"Those who have been named as suspects are MT, RT, AP, AN, and UH", said Head of Penkum and Public Relations of the Maluku Attorney General's Office, Wahyudi Kareba in Ambon, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, November 2.

According to him, the total state financial losses incurred in this case amounted to IDR 8.6 billion.

This state financial loss was obtained after the prosecutor received the results of an internal examination from the Regional Inspectorate as the government's internal supervisory apparatus (APIP).

"Later, a release will be made to find out the role of each of the defendants in this case, but I don't know for sure whether they have been immediately detained or not", Wahyudi explained.

Wahyudi also cannot confirm whether one of the five suspects with the initials MT is the Regional Secretary of West Seram Regency on behalf of Mansur Tuharea.

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