JAKARTA - The discussion about haram music has actually been discussed by many Indonesian scholars. Ustaz Abdul Somad and Gus Baha, for example, greeting that several recitations have already discussed this matter. Even before Uki ex-NOAH called music haram, they had explained the law.

Uki ex Noah chose to move and leave music. According to him, musicians and music are opening doors for immoral acts. The statement was known through the YouTube video clip @Belajar Sunnah which was uploaded on March 25, 2021. Uki then reminded musicians to refuse to be the entrance to immorality for others.

"So you don't want to close your aurat, don't want to be a door for immorality, especially now young people where you live in an era where slander is only even more terrible," said Uki.

Quoted from the YouTube channel Mujahid Islam, Ustaz Abdul Somad quoted Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi's statement about the law of musical instruments. "What is the ruling on musical instruments? Said Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, he said music was not haram, he studied it. Don't be bad for me, Abdul Somad justifies the guitar. Musical instruments are the same as knives, if you use them they cut your hands off, but if you use them to cut sacrifices, you can reward," said UAS in a study.

UAS then describes the hadith that mentions haram music. He also gives an example. "The hadith about music, look at the music first. If it's good then it's okay, if the lyrics are not good, then it's not allowed. A good example is the song Opick, Tombo Ati. Maher Zain's song. But if you have Love One Night, Cat Garong, Conch Racun, it doesn't exist," he said.

UAS also suggested that the public also choose songs or music to be heard. Even UAS eloquently sings several selawat songs. "Religious songs, Maher Zain's songs, Opick's songs are very good," he said while singing the chant of Baraka Allahu Lakuma sung by Maher Zain.

So what about Gus Baha's opinion? The preacher, who does not have a social media account, is popular among young people because many quote his lectures. Like the Kopiah Santri YouTube channel which uploads Gus Baha's opinion about music.

Gus Baha asked Muslims to be smart. In other words, we can't just rely on one static proposition and judge a dynamic reality. “For example, music is considered to be neglecting humans from God, but in fact the instrument is actually used as selawatan. It's confusing to punish him. When it comes to law, everything is the same. Whether it's books, music, or whatever, as long as it keeps Muslims from learning the Koran, it's also (auto) haram,” said Gus Baha.

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