JAKARTA - Uki ex Noah chose to move and leave music. According to him, musicians and music are opening doors for immoral acts. The statement was known through the YouTube video clip @Belajar Sunnah which was uploaded on March 25, 2021. Uki then reminded the musicians to refuse to be the entrance to immorality for others.

"So you don't want to close your aurat, don't want to be a door for immorality, especially now young people where you live in an era where slander is only even more terrible," said Uki.

Responding to Uki's view, Ustadz Zacky Mirza explained that Muslim law in Islam is different by scholars. The reason is, music is not something that is absolutely forbidden in Islam like eating pork.

"There are so many differences in Muslim similarities in judging one law, the laws that are indeed haram and halal are absolutely absolute, if in Islam it is eating pork, dogs, it is clearly haram," said Ustaz Zacky Mirza when contacted Monday, August 2nd.

"But there are some laws that have different opinions. There are still khilafiyah, differences of opinion from one cleric to another. One school of thought is different from another. Including music," he continued.

Furthermore, he said that a person's view of music varies depending on their background, way of thinking, and so on. Ustaz Zacky Mirza explained that some scholars say that music is haram. However, some other scholars allow if the goal is to increase faith in God.

"The example of prayer music makes us remember Allah. It depends on the person, if all the poems in the song, even love songs, if we bring the verse to Allah, it will be beautiful. I hope that friends who migrate do not leave the music completely Instead, using music as propaganda, for example Uje, where he is able to make music a medium for da'wah. That's cool, "said Ustaz Zacky Mirza.

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