JAKARTA - The music unit from Surabaya, The People of the Sun (POTS) comes with their latest single entitled "Two Tickets". They collaborated with the singer whose song had gone viral, Naykilla.
The song was released after maxi-single in 2024, and will be part of the upcoming POTS debut album.
In the middle of working on the maxi-single "Akal/What If Dark", Naykilla was asked to fill out vocals on one of the tracks. At that time, the idea of vocal collaboration on the single "Two Tickets" emerged and was successfully executed, making this song the first collaboration of POTS with other musicians.
With careful collaboration and exploration of music, the units fronted by Adria Riswinanda (guitar, producer), Johannes Febrianto Elyas (guitar, vocals), Rahmana Wiradanu (bass, vocals), and Bimo Putranto Widiyahutomo (drum, songwriter) hope that "Two Tickets" can touch the listeners' hearts and become relevant work for anyone who listens to them.
"The lyrics have been written since 2016 but have not found the right place. Only in 2022, when POTS was formed and we were active in workshops, the idea to include lyrics and vocals emerged. However, the work process was only completed in 2024 after the change of personnel who brought new enthusiasm," said Bimo, drummer for POTS in a broadcast. March 17th.
In the lyrics, this song presents the perspective of a man expressing his feelings for his partner, describing moments of togetherness that are so meaningful that he believes to offer "two tickets to the end of the world" a beautiful metaphor for taking him to a more serious level of relationship.
The single production of "Two Tickets" involves all POTS personnel, from additional players to band managers who contribute to the arrangement. The song is fully done in-house at 912studio, owned by their guitarist, with Naykilla's support, which also features vocals. Mixing and mastering is done by Avedis Mudter, yielding satisfactory audio quality.
Single "Two Tickets" is a work with soft nuances, reducing electronic elements and focusing more on organic approaches. This song reflects an honest creative process, without much distortion intervention, with vocal arrangements that give a deep emotional impression.
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