JAKARTA - Maintaining health is a long-term investment that should not be ignored. One of the steps that can be done is to follow the free health check program.
This program aims to detect various diseases early and provide a broader understanding of the importance of health.
In this case, Minister of Health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin invited online motorcycle taxis (ojol) to take part in the Free Health Check Program (CKG) to detect early or prevent various types of diseases that can attack the body.
"Our job is to prevent them from staying healthy, not just treating them when they are sick. Because if they are sick, we are too late, unable to work, and income is gone," said Minister of Health Budi after reviewing the implementation of the Free Health Check as quoted by ANTARA.
Minister of Health Budi emphasized that this health check is very important, considering that online motorcycle taxi drivers are the backbone of their families.
"These ojol drivers work to support their families. If they are sick for a day, maybe their income will immediately stop," he said.
On the same occasion, Spokesperson for the Presidential Communication Office Adita Irawati hopes that a new approach with the pick-up system with the community, as did the Ministry of Health together with online motorcycle taxi partners in Indonesia, can accelerate the achievement of the target of Free Health Check participants.
"We really appreciate this initiative and hope it can be imitated or implemented in other communities," he said.
Currently, the Free Health Check Program has reached more than one million people. In the future, Minister of Health Budi stated that his party will continue to strive to increase the number of participants so that more people will benefit from this program.
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