JAKARTA - Guns N 'Roses didn't take long to fill the vacant position in the drummer position. After Frank Ferrer was declared resigned, now they have officially had a replacement.
The figure of the new GNR drummer is Siac Carpenter, who already has a lot of experience in the music scene. He will strengthen the legendary rock band in the context of a tour in Europe, Asia and the Middle East which will start this summer.
Guns N 'Roses seems to have prepared this change before. From the information uploaded, it implies that Isaac was immediately announced as a member.
"Welcoming Isaac Carpenter as the new drummer for Guns N 'Roses," wrote the band's official account on March 21 in the morning.
The quick decision raised questions from fans. Moreover, the fan ranks feel that there are several names that are considered more suitable to fill the position, such as their former drummer, Matt Sorum or Steven Adler.
"Who is he? We want Matt Sorum or Steven Adler!" said one fan commenting on GNR's post on Instagram. "There is no personal problem with the new drummer, but why isn't Matt and Steven an option?" said another.
Apart from that, there are also many comments that provide support. With his track record, Isaac is considered to have the capability and is a worthy figure to complete the Guns N 'Roses formation.
"The right choice, he is a great drummer," wrote the netizen as a form of support.
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