JAKARTA - MD Pictures will present the film Sugar Factory as their mainstay film in this year's Eid atmosphere. The film, directed by Awi Suryadi, will be released in two versions, namely yellow hours and red hours.

In addition, this film also airs in 4DX format to bring a more immersive experience of watching horror films. This format is the result of collaboration between MD Pictures, CJ 4Dplex, and CGV Indonesia, which will air during the 2025 Eid holiday.

The Sugar Factory tells the story of Endah (Ersya Aurelia) who works as one of the seasonal workers at a sugar factory. One day, Endah wakes up and leaves the loji to follow someone who violates factory rules.

Since that incident, Endah and other workers have experienced a terror situation that caused a friend's death. Endah was determined to find out where it came from and what happened at the factory.

Apart from Ersya, this film also stars Wavi Zihan, Erika Carlina, Arbani Yasiz, Bukie B. Mansyur, Yono Bakrie, Sadana Agung, Benidictus Siregar, Dewi Pakis, Budi Ros, and many others.

The two versions that air consist of yellow hours, namely 17+ and red hours, namely 21+. What distinguishes the two versions?

In accordance with the figures, the version of the red clock means 21+ which means that there is a content of scenes that can only be seen by adults starting from 21+. The yellow clock version with a rating of 17+ can be watched by teenagers according to age classification.

The yellow clock and red clock versions themselves are also related to film premises with a factory background with working hours. This will be related to the characters and the development of the stories they experience.

"What I can promise, you will be entertained, because you feel a lot, so it's varied, it won't be boring," said Erika Carlina about her latest film, some time ago.

Meanwhile, the film Sugar Factory will be released in Indonesian cinemas starting March 31.

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