JAKARTA - Joe Satriani and Steve Vai are known as guitar virtuosos who have known each other for a long time, and for the first time they have joined the same band.

Through their respective Instagram accounts, Satriani and Vai formed a band called Satch/Vai, which is a combination of the names of the two.

This music project is also a celebration of Satriani and Vai's friendship, which has been friends for 50 years.

"I'm really looking forward to sharing the stage with Steve again," said Joe Satriani, citing Blabbermouth, Wednesday, December 11.

"Every time we play together, it reminds me of our teenage years, enjoy and breathe music every second of the day, encourage each other, challenge, and help to be the best. I don't think we ever stop," he continued.

Meanwhile, the Satch/Vai music project will also be carried around Europe. Satriani and Vai are preparing for a tour titled Surfing with the Hydra Tour, which is taken from the title of the song Surfing with the Alien from Satriani and Teth of the Hydra from Vai.

For the upcoming tour, Vai said performing with Satriani was an honor. This project is considered a celebration of an electric guitar as a musical instrument.

"Tur with Joe is always fun and an honor. He is my favorite guitarist to play with, and now we have another chance to take the stage," Vai said.

"I feel as if we are both at the top of our game, and this show will be a great celebration for the coolest instruments in the world, electric guitar," he added.

For information, Satch/Vai's Surfing with the Hydra Tour will begin in York, England on June 13, 2025. The tour will continue to 25 other cities until July 22, 2025.

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