JAKARTA - Chris Cornell's daughter, Toni Cornell announced her debut as a soloist through the first pop-rock single.
Through Instagram, the daughter of the late Soundgarden and Audioslave vocalist expressed her enthusiasm for her new song.
"It's great to finally announce the release of my first song," wrote Toni Cornell, citing an upload caption, Friday, November 15.
The song will be officially released on November 21.
Toni, who is currently 20 years old, also includes two names involved in his debut song, namely songwriter MoZella who co-wrote the hit song 'Wrecking Ball' for Miley Cyrus in 2013, and producer Dave Hamelin who worked on '16 Carriages' for Beyondcé.
Despite calling the 'Sunset of Your Love' as the first song, Toni once released a single titled 'Far Away Places' in 2019. This song was recorded in early 2017, three months before his father died.
In addition, Toni has also released a cover of the song 'Nothing Compares 2 U'. This song is sung with a duet with his father, with the profit contributed to the International Rescue Committee (IRC).
Over the years, Toni has also often performed cover songs, including Hunger Strike belonging to Pearl Jam's Temple Of The Dog, Black, and Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah.
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