JAKARTA - Culture Wars released their latest musical work entitled It Hurts. Taken from their first album to be released soon, this song offers both nostalgic and addictive guitar ornaments and bass pattern.

The majority of the songs on this debut album were recorded at Sunset Sound Studios, Los Angeles. The ambitious debut album is also a reflection of Culture Wars' passion journey as a band that eventually produces songs with extraordinary sonic.

"'Sorry I feel like a friend' - a piece of this lyric always worries me about the feeling I got a friendzone during junior high school by someone I used to love... but now I'm updating this sentence to my adult life," said the alt-rock band from Austin, Texas.

"'It Hurts; tells the story of a woman who is sitting at the end of a bar at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Besides being drunk, she is also just divorced, and is now trying to maintain her lifestyle while looking for her next husband. She plays a bad joke, unconsciously says offensive things, and tries to survive life in the best way she knows, even though she often smiles in her sadness.

Recently, Culture Wars has also completed a tour in Southeast Asia as the opening musician for the 'a beautiful blur' tour from the band from the United States, LANY. At the concert held at the Ancol Beach City Stadium in Jakarta for two days on 9 and 10 October.

Appearing energetic, they carried 8 songs in front of thousands of people attending the concert at the Beach Ancol Stadium every night.

Culture Wars wants to keep honest rock music, made very well and certainly full of ambition, aimed at attracting diverse audiences. Their distinctive voice combines the most important elements of rock music and alternatives, with an emphasis on the use of powerful and authentic guitars.

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