JAKARTA - East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is one of the provinces in the Nusa Tenggara Islands. Called the Sunda Kecil Islands, Nusa Tenggara consists of many small islands and a number of large main islands: Sumba Island, Flores Island, and Timor Island.

Not only the island is many, ntt traditional musical instruments are also diverse. Some tools are well known. But there are still many traditional ntt musical instruments that are not yet familiar to the public.

Ntt musical instruments have various types or types, such as swipe, inflatable, hit, and pick. With its distinctive sound and tone, NTT traditional musical instruments have a distinctive appeal and exoticism that modern musical instruments do not have. To know more, here are some typical ntt musical instruments.

Ntt wind traditional musical instrument

1. Foy pay

This musical instrument is a type of wind instrument. Foy pay is made of bamboo and the size is quite long. This instrument can produce tones do, re, mi, fa, sol.

In the past, ntt traditional musical instrument was used to accompany tandak songs. Along with the development of the times, this tool is often played with prayer foy to accompany traditional music in traditional events and entertainment.

2. Foy prayer

It's also an inflatable instrument, this one is similar to a flute. Originally from Flores Island, precisely Ngada Regency, NTT. Foy doa is a unique musical instrument because it is made of reeds or small bamboo that amounts to two blades or more, then coupled.

Ntt's distinctive musical instrument is usually played by young people in traditional games. The tones produced by the prayer foy are single tones and double tones. This is determined by the taste of the player.

When playing the prayer foy, the poem that is usually recited has the theme of life. The prayer foy is played like a flute, which is to cheat on an inflatable hole, then the tone is obtained by closing and opening the tone holes.

Foy prayer was originally played independently or individually. But since 1958 regional musicians began to combine it with other traditional musical instruments.

3. Prere

Prere wind instrument made of small bamboo. The size is about 15 cm. The section book at the bottom is closed, while the upper section book is cut as an inflatable place.

The lower section book is split to remove the air blown on the upper section book. The bamboo cleavage is also a place to wrap pandan leaves formed like a trumpet funnel to enlarge the sound.

This traditional NTt instrument can be played alone as an entertainment tool. It can also be played together with drum gongs in the accompaniment of pencak silat. Prere can only produce two types of tones: do and re.

Traditional ntt string instrument

1. Heo fruit

This traditional musical instrument is a type of traditional string instrument. Heo comes from Timor Island, precisely the Dawan Timorese tribe, NTT. The main instrument is made of wood. While the thread or strings are made of ponytails that are assembled and related to the bow-shaped wood.

For strings or strings of musical instruments, use dried cuscus intestines. In one heo, there are four strings with different names.

String 1 (bottom): tain mone, meaning 'male string', the tone of which is sole.

String 2: tain what, meaning 'child's rope (small)', the tone is re.

String 3: tain feto, meaning 'female rope', the tone is la.

String 4: tain ena, meaning 'mother strap', the tone is do.

Ntt traditional musical instruments quoted

1. Sasando

Most indonesians must already know about this instrument. The international community has even been monitoring it. Decades ago, sasando became a picture that decorated rp5000 banknotes.

This is a stringed musical instrument originating from Rote Island, NTT. The word sasando comes from the Rote language, sasandu, which means 'vibrating or beeping device'. Ntt sasando instrument is said to have been used by rote people since the 7th century.

This instrument is made with several materials. The main part is a long tube made of bamboo. In the bamboo is installed strings and cramming that function as a tone regulator.

The bamboo is inserted into the webbing lontar leaves formed like a sunken fan. This lontar leaf function is to produce resonance when sasando is played.

Ntt traditional musical instrument has two types based on the structure of the tone, namely sasando gong and sasando biola. Sasando gong uses a pentatonic tone scale with 12 strings. This type of Sasando can only play traditional Rote songs.

Sasando violin uses a scale of diatonic tones. The strings used are 48 pieces and can play more varied songs.

Although sasando is a traditional musical instrument of NTT, but now there is also an electric version. The initiator is Edu Pah, sasando expert at NTT.

2. Ketadu mara

This instrument has another name, namely juk. This is a traditional ntt alt music type stringed musical instrument. The shape is similar to a guitar, or more similar to a gambus guitar.

Ketadu mara is made of wood, the strings are only two pieces. This instrument is often played on the sidelines of work in the rice fields or when grazing in the meadow.

It is said that the sound of ketadu mara passages can invite cecak to sing along. In addition, kono's voice is favored by subtle creatures.

Ntt traditional musical instruments

1. Sowito

Different from before, ntt traditional musical instrument this one type of instrument usik hit. Sowito shape in the form of bamboo shavings whose skin is gouged (about 2 cm wide).

The bark is rewarded with small pieces of wood. Well, the gouged bark becomes strings, but the way to sound it is not plucked.

Sowito is played by being hit with a piece of wood less than 30 cm long. One segment of bamboo will produce one tone.

Sowito Musical Instrument from NTT (percepat.com)

2. Tambur trumpet (Bi)

Ntt musical instrument is made of wood, rattan, and animal skin. The wood used is lai wood (a type of forest date palm), while the bark is deer skin.

Tambur trumpet is usually played when the traditional ceremony of the people is held. In addition, this instrument is also a musical instrument accompaniment lego-legi dance.

The inventor of this typical ntt musical instrument is said to be named Augustine. The world's first trumpet tambur is found in the Alalu people, Aramba Village, Central Pantar District.

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