JAKARTA - Agnez Mo must face new legal problems. He was officially sued by songwriter Ari Bias to the Central Jakarta Commercial Court.

Mario Pencawan as Ari Bias's legal team confirmed that his client filed a lawsuit regarding copyright and has been registered with the Commercial Court.

With this lawsuit, it does not mean that the report of the songwriter 'Just Cross' at Bareskrim Polri some time ago stopped. The attorney ensured that the two legal processes continued.

"(The report at Bareskrim Polri) is still ongoing, there are two more witnesses who have not been summoned for a while. But yesterday we just communicated with the investigators, we don't have the same side as these two," said Mario Pencawan when contacted by VOI by telephone, Thursday, September 12.

"So far it is still running. There has been no submission from the investigators or Bareskrim to stop it. Both (reports at Bareskrim and lawsuits at the Commercial Court) are on the way," he continued.

Although he did not specifically mention the contents of the lawsuit, Mario said his client was still in the status of fighting for his rights as a songwriter.

"More or less (the lawsuit material) is the same (with the report). But in this Central District Court it is more of a Commercial Court, because it involves intellectual property, copyright. So he has different systems, the judiciary is with ordinary civil," said Mario.

Here the first trial immediately reads the lawsuit. The material is more or less the same, because Agnes Monica uses a song without a commercial permit, the song "Just Cross", "he added.

At the first trial later, said Mario, Agnez Mo's party should have complied with the summons of the Commercial Court at the Central Jakarta District Court.

"Seharusnya, wajibnya hadir, boleh Agnez Mo-nya, boleh kuasa hukumnya. Karena kan ini sudah dianggap dianggap secara layak oleh pengadilan," ujarnya.

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