JAKARTA - The anger that Fanny Soegi felt in her former music group, Soegi Bornean, has not subsided. He again voiced that the payment of song royalties that did not match through a tweet on the X account on September 8.

Fanny called the condition of the songwriter Asmalibration which was sad regardless of the fame of her work. According to Fanny, his colleague had to borrow money from his son's school.

A wave of protests immediately came from netizens. Not long after, Soegi Bornean also made a statement discussing royalties and several other 'complaints' that were crowded on social media.

"Regarding Royalty Asmalibration. From the start we received Royalty Asmalibration money, we management distributed it in accordance with the agreed nominal. Fanny was always involved in the royalty distribution decision," explained the Soegi Bornean account on Instagram, September 9.

"We also have no problem with creators and are still communicating well. There is even cooperation in one of the works on the new album, Step Rupa. We are also ready if royalty reconciliation is needed with experts," he added.

Fanny Soegi responded quickly to Soegi Bornean's clarification, 'Can you believe it?' he wrote in the comments column and Instagram Story.

The pretext of 'joint agreement' is still a question for many people, including Fanny. In his tweet, he even mentioned that his former band, which still uses his last name, was greedy.

Together with Fanny, netizens also demanded a fairer completion of the royalties distribution of songwriters. They also urged Soegi Bornean to change their name because Fanny Soegi was no longer part of the group.

THREATENED, obviously you can issue words 'fanny involved when making decisions', so you are involved because you have to be threatened, second: AT LEAST THE NAME'soegi', third: one of them has a lot of alibis," commented one netter in Soegi Bornean's post.

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