JAKARTA - Rossa and Ariel launched a new single with the title "Nada-Nada Cinta". Even though they have been friends for a long time, this work is the result of their first collaboration.
It started without serious intentions, aka fun, it took Rossa and Ariel a long time to introduce the song to the public.
Many things were unsatisfactory during the process of remaking songs written by Younky Soewarno. Several producers were tried, until finally Rossa and Ariel decided to produce their own.
The length of the creative process, said Ariel, is because this song wants to be shown to young connoisseurs who dominate the current music market.
"Because we listened to this song for a long time. I'm still wearing a high school uniform, I've seen the video clip," Ariel said during a media conference at SCBD, South Jakarta on Friday, August 16.
"So there is a thought that the song has been going on for a long time, the singer is also quite old, don't let it be irrelevant to the singer," he continued.
Before the new version was determined, Rossa and Ariel even asked two young singers to sing the song Nuda-Nada Cinta, and finally the version they adapted.
Meanwhile, the old process is not a problem for Rossa. He was happy with his first collaboration with the NOAH vocalist.
"I don't complain why the process took a long time, because I know Ariel isn't making it up. I know there's something he's going on to," said Rossa.
"The process is that detailed, that's why I don't wonder why Ariel's issued was successful, because it was that detailed," he concluded.
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