JAKARTA - DJ Stroo released a new single titled Ain't A Love Song. This time, he collaborated with the band Ten2Five.

Still having EDM (Electronic Dance Music) character, this single was packed with a distinct band nuance. Yes, the presence of Imel (vocals), Ardhy (guitar), and Thomas (drums, percussion) as collaborators is not just a patch.

This song was created by DJ Stroo in mid-2019. However, at that time he was still confused about choosing a collaborator so he had to cancel production.

The agreement with Ten2Five was not easily reached because the demo song that DJ Stroo had written was originally written for a male vocalist. On the other hand, Ten2Five is better known for its acoustic ballad songs.

Like it or not, DJ Stroo remixed the song. Without changing the character of the Ten2Five band, he also gave freedom to all band members who have been active since 2004 to give ideas.

“For me, collaboration with DJs is not the first time. But with Ten2Five this is a new experience. Moreover, we can be totally involved during production. Either give sound suggestions or are given freedom during the recording process. This has become something new in our career journey,” said Imel in a written statement received by VOI.

"Usually we play strong songs with an acoustic nuance, now we collaborate with music that has an electronic nuance. It is like giving new energy, which has never been imagined before," guitarist Ardhy said.

Ain't A Love Song is about someone who loves those closest to them. However, his love is never taken seriously even though he has done many things to prove his love.

This EDM song, which features a band (analog) nuance, is attached to a retro vibe on the sound and arrangement side. DJ Stroo said the character of the arrangement was not intentional.

"The plan was that I wanted to present a sound character that was really up to date, but when I made a sample song, I took the sound and character of the simple arrangements, because time was running out. Initially, it was just for a demo, but the rough sound character that tends to be retro is even favored by all Ten2Five personnel. Finally, I explored retro sound more, and it made this song sound even more unique,” explained DJ Stroo.

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