Singer, music producer and songwriter Usher received Lifetime Achievement from the BET Awards which took place in California, United States on Sunday, June 30 local time.

Meanwhile, BET Awards is an award event in the United States organized by Black Entertainment Television for the role of black artists and celebrities as well as other minorities in the fields of music, film, sports, and philanthropy.

With humility, the man with the full name Usher Raymond IV felt that he was not worthy to receive such a big award from the BET Awards.

"The award for this life achievement, my mind, is it still too early to accept it? Because I'm still running and shooting like I did when I was eight years old," Usher said, starting his speech.

Then, Usher talked about the difficulties he had to face as an African-American person. Since a toddler, his father left him and his family.

"I tried to understand the name a man gave me, but it didn't last long because he didn't love me," Usher said.

"It must have a forgiveness heart to understand the true trap and difficulty faced by black men in America. And my father, he is the product of it," he continued.

With what he has passed as a child who is now a father, the 'Caught Up' singer advised all fathers in the world to give their children the best.

"This is the year of the father. Defend your daughter and son, and lead them. It is important to understand that the role of father is very important," he said.

Furthermore, Usher also talked about how people should forgive. According to him, forgiveness is something that makes us human.

"We have to be willing to forgive, we have to be willing to be open. Already telling you, you are standing in front of a man who has to forgive a man who never appears at all. And look what I'm doing with him. Look what I can 'between'. But that's what's real, that's what makes us human, that's what makes us women and men."

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