YOGYAKARTA Developing sound to be better and more melodious in a short time may sound impossible. However, did you know that there is a way to make the sound melodious in 1 day?

There are many cases where a person can develop his voice in a better and more melodious direction in a short time.

Even so, how to develop sound becomes more melodious in a short time it needs to be practiced regularly every day, so that the results obtained are more optimal.

Want to know what are the ways to make the sound melodious in 1 day? Check out the full information below.

Please note, melodious sounds are beautiful and full of harmonization. Melodious voices can also be interpreted as sounds that are neither colored nor contributed.

A sweet voice is needed because it has the appeal and ability to convey messages more effectively, especially in performance arts such as singing or speaking in general.

Summarized from various sources, Sunday, June 30, 2024, here are some ways to make a good sound in 1 day that you can follow.

1. Drink enough water

If you want to develop a voice more melodious in a short time, you need to drink enough water. This is very important, because the health of the sound band is related to body hydration.

Drinking enough water can help maintain the humidity of the sound band, prevent drought in the throat channel, and support the elasticity of the sound band.

2. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol

Cigarettes and alcohol can damage the sound band network which ultimately makes your voice Fals. Avoiding cigarettes and alcohol will help maintain vocal health in the long term.

3. Avoid spicy and fatty foods

Apart from cigarettes and alcohol, another thing to avoid is spicy and fatty foods. This type of food can make the sound hoarse.

Instead, you can eat healthy and balanced nutritious foods. Someone who wants to have a melodious voice must be able to maintain a diet.

4. Breathe exercise

Respiratory techniques are always important things that must be trained when they want to develop vocals in a better direction. Someone who can regulate breathing will be able to make melodious and beautiful sounds.

Therefore, do regular breathing exercises by taking deep air and blowing it slowly.

Respiratory exercise is a very good start for those who want to get melodious sounds in a short time.

The better your breathing, the better the quality of your voice. Breathing exercise is also used to reduce stress and improve healthy mind condition.

5. Don't sing with your throat

Singing with your throat can damage the sound band. You need to understand the body and know where your best voice comes from.

Sing from the core of the body and let the sound band relax. The strength of the sound lies behind the breath and the breath must be supported by the diaphragm.

That's the information on how to make the sound melodious in 1 day. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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