Jay Subyakto was appointed as the art director for the SUPER DIVA concert which was promoted by the Concessium. The man who has worked on dozens of performances promised special stage arrangements for Kris Dayanti, Ruth Sahanaya, Titi DJ, Lyodra, Tiara Andini and Ziva Magnolya as performers, as well as Erwin Gutawa who will lead the orchestra.

Held at the Indonesia Arena, Jay prepared a special stage that the audience could see from all sides. He wants all spectators present to get the best view from the show.

"Why (stage) in the middle and 360 degrees, so that all spectators can see. The stage will also be made in stages, so that the audience can see from the seats," Jay Subyakto said at a press conference in Senayan, South Jakarta, Wednesday, June 26.

"Later in the middle there will also be a big LED, so that we can display the face of our performers close up. Then, Erwin's orchestra will be in the middle of the stage, because Erwin must be able to see all the singers while playing," he continued.

Jay did not deny that he was so enthusiastic about welcoming the SUPER DIVA concert. He is happy to be working with the best Indonesian female soloists. In addition, this concert became a reunion for him and Erwin Gutawa.

"Honestly, this event is like a reunion for me. I remember when I was with Erwin holding a concert of 3 Divas in 2006. So when I discussed this concert, I was very enthusiastic, especially not only 3 Divas, but also Lyodra, Tiara, and Ziva," Jay said.

For me, it is a blessing to be able to collect 3 Divas again, plus Lyodra, Tiara and Ziva. From the start, I have also had the intention to make a show for them, and it will finally be realized in SUPER DIVA.

Furthermore, Jay Subyakto saw that this concert was important for the Indonesian music industry. According to him, concerts from Indonesian musicians must give their best and continue to be supported.

"Because my goal is here to raise Indonesian musicians to triumph in their own country".

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