JAKARTA - WOLF HOWL HARMONY (WHH) is still a foreign name for music lovers in Indonesia. They are a vocal and rap group from Japan consisting of Sugiyama Ryoji, Higa Suzuki, Guilherme Massakuke Ghee Tomazi Nishimura, and Kutsuno Hiroto.

Four WHH personnel were formed through a competition called iCON Z ~ Drams For Children~. Since their debut at the end of 2022, they have released six singles, with LOVE RED as debut singles.

As part of EXILE TRIBE, WHH showed its productivity this year by releasing three singles, namely 'Frozen Butterfly', 'Pink Flash Lights', and Love Triangle.

Along with HOWL HARMONY's WOLF efforts to spread its wings outside Japan, VOI had the opportunity to interview personnel exclusively via email to get closer.

Ryoji, Suzuki, Ghee, and Hiroto talked a lot about the start of their trip as a group, how they carried out music, to the possibility of holding concerts in Indonesia.

The following is VOI's interview with WOLF HOWL HARMONY: Tell us what Wolf's NAME means by Harmony?

RYOJI : The name was inspired by the hopes of HIRO-san so that each of the four alone 'witnesses' would become artists who harmonize their lives through music! SUZUKI: This group of thugs formed' who have various life experiences, and want to create harmony in life and singing. GHEE:HIRO-san named the group in the hope that the four giants' who are alone will gather and sing the harmony of their lives together like the wolf. HIROTO: The name was chosen by HIRO-san because it means that each of us as splitted shells' who live a very different life, will resonate with each other and combine not only the voices of our songs, but also the harmony of our lives.

Congratulations on the new single! Tell us about 'Pink Flash Lights' and it means

RYOJI: Thank you! This song is about the moment when you fall in love at first sight, such as lightning strikes! The spring season is the season of encounters and separations, and because it is also the bloom season of the Cheryra flower, we chose a pink color which is the color of spring, and named the song "Pink Flash Lights" taken from a pink lightning strike! SUZUKI: Pink Flash Lights is a song that expresses the impact of love on the first sight. The song and its melody express the ups and downs of the heart when feeling love at first sight and the feeling of floating while falling in love. The lyrics also use catchy and feeling fresh words. GHEE: It's a love song that expresses the emotion of the heart when you suddenly fall in love at first sight and it grabs you like a pink lightning strike. HIROTO: ACCEPTs a lot of gratitude! This song is set in spring, and this song tells the story of a heart that is palpitated and a restless feeling that flows in you when you fall in love at first sight during a new spring meeting, which we compare with a pink lightning strike!

In our opinion, this single is different from your previous release. The music video itself doesn't have any choreography. Can you explain the reason?

RYOJI: We released a series of singles as part of the "Youth" trilogy, and we want the music video to show our youth in its original form and expression, so this time we decided to make music videos without choreography. After watching this music video, please watch our dance performance through our live performance! SUZUKI: The music video shows a picture that is in your head when you fall in love at first sight. GHEE: The concept of this music video is to invite people to dance, but we also want to tell a story through trilogy, so there is no choreography to dance in the music video. HIROTO: In the music video, the four of us are childhood friends, and even though we usually dance, our biggest strength is our singing, and my opinion the composition of the music video is only possible because the four of us! Hopefully you can enjoy the new concept of our music video!

What makes Wolf Amazed Harmony different from other groups?

"We have a lot of differences in our voice, appearance, and personality. But I believe when we sing, when the four of us put together the tone, it will turn out to be something special. I believe that our song is unique to our voice! SUZUKI: Our group has four members, a small number for a boy group, which makes us have our own unique musical style. In addition, each of the four has a different and unique voice. GHEE: Even though there are many groups, I think we are very different because we mainly sing and rap, and our music atmosphere as well as the rhythm of our music are very different. HIROTO: The fact is that we are a group of four people. The four members can sing and some can rap. And because each of us has listened to very different music genres, we can sing differently for different songs, and we can also change the main vocalist depending on the song, so that each song can display a very different style.

Since your debut, what has it been like from training to now?

RYOJI: It felt like time had passed so quickly! There were many challenges ahead as we tried to make our dreams come true, but we were determined to overcome it one by one and keep making it happen! SUZUKI: Before I debuted with Wolf, I was active in a group called DEEP SQUAD, but I felt this last year was a very intense year.GHEE: It feels like a long time ago, but it feels like it's passed so fast. I've been able to do a lot of things in this period of time, and I can go abroad to perform and hold events that I never imagined happen, which motivate me to work harder. HIROTO: I remember my instructor at the time of the audition telling me, The hardest part is after your debut,'' and I realized that he was right. And when I looked back at the video myself during the audition, I felt that I had grown rapidly since then so I wondered if it was really me, and I once again felt that I wanted to develop even further.

Have you ever felt the pressure because you are the youngest group to debut at EXILE TRIBE?

RYOJI: A lot of pressure to be part of EXILE TRIBE, but I will do my best every day to be an artist who can be proud to be From EXILE TRIBE one day! SUZUKI: I carry the name EXILE TRIBE on my back, so I am determined and proud of it. No matter where I debut, my heart remains the same, so in this case I don't think I feel too strong pressure.GHEE: I felt the pressure. Initially there was a feeling that we shouldn't embarrass ourselves as dancers who are members of EXILE TRIBE.HIROTO: I joined here because I admire LDH, so because I saw my senior big back, there was pressure to go beyond them and make EXILE TRIBE proud.

Recently, Japanese artists and music scene are on the rise in Indonesia, many are holding concerts here. Do you have plans to appear in Indonesia in the future?

RYOJI: We don't have a definite plan yet, but I want to go there and get comments from people in Indonesia, so I want to meet them in person! SUZUKI: We want to bring our music not only to Japan but also to other countries without worrying about territorial boundaries, so we also want to hold concerts in Indonesia. We will definitely do it one day. GHEE: Not yet, but I definitely want to perform there in the future. To achieve this, I want to learn language, and right now I'm taking lessons in English. HIROTO: We've seen BOYZ BALLISTIC and PSYCHIC FEVER who are our seniors, appear live and active in Indonesia through social media, so we want to participate and perform at festivals in Indonesia too!

Have you ever communicated with Indonesian fans? What do you know about Indonesia?

RYOJI: We have received comments from the Indonesian people who have responded to our music videos and other videos on YouTube and who have watched our live broadcasts! Thank you for your warm support! I have heard from senior LDH members that Indonesians are warm and excited, so I want to hold a passionate concert with them one day! SUZUKI: I've never interacted with them, so I really want to. I want to eat Indonesian food because a lot of delicious food there. GHEE: Not yet. But I definitely want one day, and I heard that Indonesia has many tourist attractions and the people are very friendly. HIROTO: I've never interacted with them! But I've seen Bali on TV and always wanted to go there!

What's your opinion for the latest single (Love Triangle)?

RYOJI: With each release, we hope to gradually spread the appeal of WOLF and the LOVERED circle as well as increase the number of our supporters! SUZUKI: I hope this will reach as many people as possible. I would love if many people in Indonesia wanted to listen to it. GHEE: I hope this can reach as many people as possible, and I will do my best in my activities so that this can reach them. In addition, this single is the first part of the trilogy, so we want to give our first impression and set our colors in the story. HIROTO: This song is the first of the song trilogy about youth, which became the theme of our music, and about love at first sight in the spring. The lyrics are something everyone can understand it, so this song can reach many people!

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