Cafine still exists as a pop band in the country. They are again enlivening the music industry by releasing their latest single entitled "Between Dua Cinta".

This single is their second work with the new vocalist, Chikin Muhammad. The band from Bandung now consists of Chikin (vocalist) Beni Anwar (guitar), and Suyudi Quyuud (drums).

"Between Dua Cinta" is inspired by a true story about the dilemma of loving two people at once. The story behind this song illustrates the feeling of fatigue because you have to go through two couples and finally decide to choose one of them. "It happened a long time ago, but the process is going well, but it doesn't feel right either," said Beni in a written broadcast.

Chikin also added a challenge in maintaining privacy when we have more than one partner. "The difficulty is to maintain the privacy of cellphones. Especially when in high school, the cellphone is often checked. You have to delete the chat first so you don't get caught," he said.

In addition to presenting a new formation, Caffeine also rebranded their music. If in the past Caffeine was synonymous with pop romantics, now it feels more millennial.

"Music Cffeine has rarely shouted from the start. So the difference is that. The difference in emotions adapts to the vocal character of Chikin," said Beni.

So far, Caffeine is known for their unique creative processes, where each member has its own studio to develop musical ideas.

"We rarely jamming together in the studio. Maybe their respective imaginations are more flexible. The important thing is that the flow of the notation and chords remains appropriate," said Beni.

This new single is still rooted in the pop genre which is characteristic of Cffeine, but with a fresher touch of rock.

"The guitar is more drive, so it's fresh," said Beni, the guitarist. "The interesting part of this song is in modulation from the second chorus to the interlude, which immediately went up one sound ladder. Expressing disappointment but with a cool climax in the ending," he added.

With a new formation and fresher music color, Caffeine hopes to be accepted by all music listeners. "Hopefully with a new color Caffeine can be accepted. Sometimes the song is good, but not necessarily acceptable. Yes, I hope this time it can boom," Chikin hoped.

Not only that, but Cffeine also plans to release an album or mini album format, in the hope that it will continue to exist in the music industry. "I want the existence of Cffeine to keep going. Keep working with time lags, not too long or too short," said Yudi.

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