JAKARTA - Nina Tamam kembali untuk penikmat musik Tanah Air dengan single terbaru berjudul Lebur. Singer 49 tahun itu juga menawarkan warna baru bernuansa noir di lagu barunya.

Unlike before, Nina admitted that she was quite far involved in the cultivation of 'Lebur', although she was also assisted by several other musicians, such as Endah Widiastuti, Adra Karim, and Panji Prasetyo.

The process of cultivating it itself took one year. Initially Nina came to Endah to write a new song. Furthermore, the initial personnel of Warna came to Adra to arrange a song.

Aransemen lagu berjalan cukup lama. Nina diminta untuk keluar dari pop mainstream yang tersekenya selama ini. Beberapa sesi workshop pun dijalani untuk mencari formula yang tepat.

In her new song, Nina is involved in many things, starting from determining how to sing, choosing vocal backing and sound in it. In the end, the whole search process is felt successful in marrying what you want.

Meanwhile, Lebur tells about the longing accompanied by various expressions or emotions. In it there is a feeling of love, anxiety, anxiety, and longing that becomes one, and it is described as an expression or figure that is eagerly awaited.

Its noir and cinematic music builds from a gloomy and dark atmosphere, with minor melodies based on piano playing andata.

Through her new single, Nina Tamam wants to continue to work and be accepted by the market, as well as hopes that the song this time can accompany those who want to merge with their separate partners, time or whatever.

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