JAKARTA - The Red Gaung SeGALA brought Iwan Fals back in a series of shows to travel around Indonesia. The musician with the real name Virgiawan Liestanto will visit 25 cities spread across five different islands.
With the concept of One Stop Entertainment of Everlasting Experience, this event is intended to showcase the creations of high-quality Indonesian culture that always accompany the community, starting from music performances, film screenings, and culinary offerings.
"We want to make this event a One Stop Entertainment of Everlasting Experience as well as an appreciation for all the legendary and quality things from the music, cinema and culinary industry," said Fabio Junot Ardelto as the representative Red Gaung, when met at the Bloc Post, Central Jakarta, Thursday, May 30.
Gaung Merah SeGALAnya bukan hanya tentang nostalgia, tapi melalui acara ini kami ingin berbicara tentang karya yang mampu melampaui zaman, agar dapat menginspirasi generasi berikutnya, lanjutnya.
Iwan Fals, who was re-involved as the main performer, is certainly happy with this event. From his experience with Gaung Merah SeGALA last year, he admitted that he enjoyed the moments when he met people who came to watch.
Even though it's an old song (which is shown), it's always new when it's sung. Not to mention the audience is a lot of young people, it also adds to the enthusiasm. I enjoyed that. For me it's a new thing. Especially every city is different, from food and all kinds of things," said Iwan Fals.
Meanwhile, the series of SeGALA Red Gaungs will begin in Sukabumi on June 8. Then, the journey will continue to Cirebon, Tasikmalaya, Kotabumi, Palembang, Dumai, Padang, Pontianak, Manado, Palu, Makassar, Lhokseumawe, Padang Sidempuan, Pematang Siantar, Denpasar, Jember, Kediri, Surabaya, Magelang, Solo, Tegal, Purwokerto, Bogor, Serang and Jakarta.
Not only Iwan Fals, Gaung Merah SeGALA will also present T'KOOS Band and other well-known musicians which will soon be announced.
Fabio Junot invites people in various cities and regencies who are visited to come and enjoy a lot of things provided in the SegalALA Gaung.
"This event does not charge and everyone over the age of 18 can visit and try to have fun with their activities," concluded Fabio.
Further information regarding the date and location of the event in each city/district can be seen on the Instagram account @gaung_merah.
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