JAKARTA - The idea of using data from music streaming services to predict hit songs has existed for a long time, has even been discussed in many research journals.

Currently, the idea appears to be a reality with artificial intelligence (AI) or artificial intelligence. Tencent Music Entertainment (TME), China's largest music streaming service operator, said it had broken the code.

In TME's latest annual report submitted to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, the company said it had successfully implemented AI-backed Product Data Management (PDM) technology to predict the upcoming hit song on the QQ Music platform.

According to TME, this predictive model can provide insights and predictions regarding the potential market for songs based on audio and lyrics alone. It can also reveal the most appropriate playlists for various users, and identify the targets of the music audience based on AI analysis of artist data, music content, and track changes in music trends around the world.

"QQ Music is the first in China's online music industry to adopt PDM with the highest accuracy among similar companies," the report reads, citing Music Business Worldwide, Monday, May 13.

By using an in-depth learning content value assessment algorithm, PDM is able to predict the next hit song by analyzing the latest popular music trends and user preferences for the right discovery and distribution of content to interested users.

The report adds that this technology has been recognized by MIREX, which is a sustainable project from the International Society for Music Information Retrieva, a research forum on music-related data organizations.

Even so, TME's annual report did not explain clearly how they used this new technology. However, the promotional material circulating by TME about PDM, it seems that the technology is available for streaming services and interested music distributors.

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