JAKARTA - The Dream Band event was a prima donna for music lovers on television. This event gave birth to many well-known musicians who still exist today.
Since the beginning, the biggest name that is still consistent in this event is none other than KOTAK. Even though he has undergone various changes in personnel, Tantri, Cella and Chua still carry KOTAK as the top band in Indonesia.
In addition, there is also a Dream Band dropout who is active with the name of his choice. They are the Captain, a rock group with a touch of various other types of music.
Apart from the two names above, there are actually quite a number of musicians who graduated from Dream Band who are still surviving in the industry. Here are some of them.
Arizki's name is known as the vocalist of the band The Titans, but Rizki started his career as vocalist of Ize in the Dream Band. Rizki left The Titans and briefly joined Drive, before being replaced by Axl Ramanda.
Luki, Jeje Masih from the band Ize, there are the names Luki and Jeje who are still banding together. After Rizki left, Ize transformed into Domino with the inclusion of Ifan and Ade. Now they have changed their name to Govinda.
Ade Govinda Ade himself is also a Dream Band contestant with a group called Olif. Their song is entitled 'About Rasa' exploded and was brought back by Anji.
Tantri Syailindri Before becoming the vocalist of KOTAK, Tantri was a member of the Ares group who was also born in the Dream Band era. His vocals who rocked were deemed suitable as a replacement for the previous KOTAK vocalist, Pare. It is proven that KOTAK is still solid to date.
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