JAKARTA - A pop-folk unit from Bandung, Pengdarra is back with his latest single entitled Short Journey.

Along with the new song, the group consisting of Arjunet Abdi Nugraha, Desiree Kinanthi, and Iqbal Nuriana also revealed the release of their debut album since their debut last year.

The writing of the 'Short Journey' begins when Arjunet is in a dark place, limited space for movement, social space, can't even play music. At the same time he lost a close person who had a big meaning in his life. With the problem of life that makes his hopes fainter, you could say his hopes are almost lost.

To deal with this problem, Arjunet decided to write a verse which eventually became the main lyrics for this song.

"Tell the universe, I'm telling the story of someone who is traversing the ocean and trying to do it," reads a lyrical piece of Short Journey.

Then, the lyrics written by Arjunet were developed with a melody and musical accompaniment that made it a complete song.

The 'Short Journey' tells the story of feelings in the Arjunet life phase at that time, from dim to bright. This journey is dedicated to all who feel they have experienced the heaviest point in life and fought hard to get their peace.

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