JAKARTA - Music spirit does not recognize age limits. As the vocalist of The Who, Roger Daltrey, has shown.

The rockstar just celebrated his 80th birthday on March 1 yesterday. But until now he is still active as a musician. The age of eight heads did not hinder his pleasure on stage.

Not only about self-satisfaction, Roger is also active in social activities. He is known to have contributed to the Teenage Cancer Trust (TCT) to help others. And until now he has no desire to resign.

"I'm not leaving TCT, I've been a member since I first met with these charity founders, Dr Adrian and Myrna Whiteson, more than 30 years ago. And I will continue to be here, even though I will work behind the scenes to talk to the government and try. something, "he wrote as quoted by NME, Sunday, March 31.

On the other hand, Roger realized he was no longer young. He hopes that new successors will continue their enthusiasm.

"I have to be realistic, I'm already at dusk. The average life expectancy of people is 83 years and I'm lucky to achieve it, but we need someone else to go forward," he added.

Roger Daltrey admitted that he had lost his voice in the middle of a fairly busy show schedule. Even though he felt strong playing the tour, his condition was no longer in the prime phase.

"But for the first time in my career, I feel it's very hard," concluded frontman The Who.

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