JAKARTA - The legendary band, Bon Jovi is ready to put up his spurs with the release of the latest album, 'Forever'. The album is planned to be released in the summer, June 7 next.

It has become a recurring pattern, the release of the album will continue with a tour. However, the vocalist, Jon, is still confused about this.

Not long ago, New Jersey rockers expressed their concerns about the condition. "I'm not sure about the tour yet," he told Mix 104.1 Boston, reported by Billboard, March 17.

Even so, he actually has a strong desire to tour around several countries. He has missed the tour atmosphere since last September 2022. However, the condition of his vocal band is still uncertain.

"I really want to go on tour next year, but I'm currently recovering after a major operation," he said.

Everything can still happen. He did not rule out the possibility of going on tour when his condition improved.

"Although I am recovering well and can record songs one by one on recording, I really want to be able to sing 2.5 hours a night, or four days a week for months. That's what I want to achieve," concluded Jon Bon Jovi.

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