Fanny Soegi Uploads First Photo After Leaving Soegi Bornean, Solo Teaser?
Fanny Soegi (Photo: Instagram @fannysoegi)

JAKARTA - Tembang Asmalibration changed Soegi Bornean's fortune as a music group. But unfortunately, when they were playing their career, they were left by the vocalist, Fanny Soegiarto.

On March 1, 2024, Fanny announced her retirement from her group. He emphasized that the decision had been carefully considered beforehand.

The news certainly shocked many parties, including fans. How not, Soegi Bornean, who was enjoying the golden period with various stages and singles that were responded positively, in fact had to lose vocalists in the fourth year.

Strongly suspected, Fanny Soegi will continue her role as a solo singer. It will not be difficult for her to do, because she has collaborated several times with other musicians as a single singer.

After several days of calming down, Fanny Soegi finally appeared with a new post on Instagram. He appeared in the photo session wearing casual clothes while embracing the guitar.

"Improving the last bad so that it wither.." wrote Fanny in the caption of her upload (7/3/2024). The portrait at first glance looked like the teaser of the owner's melodious voice as a soloist.

Fans responded positively to Fanny's return and her musical journey. "Waiting for the work to bloom again fragrant," said the account @i****no*i in Instagram comments.

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