JAKARTA - The rock quartet from Bali, Jangar officially released a new mini album with the title Night. This album contains six songs, including one song Iwan Fals, which they re-recorded, "There's Another Dead One."

The band is still inhabited by Gusten Keniten (vocals), Dewa Adi Sanjaya (guitar), Rai Biomantara (bass), and Pasek Darmawaysya (drums).

The mini-night album is a continuation of Jangar's debut album entitled Ahead of Malam (2019). If the debut album becomes a "bridge", then the night becomes their destination.

"We rushed, insisted from the morning, along the streets were jammed under the heat of the sun, then returned at dusk," Pasek said in his statement, Wednesday, February 28.

Di malam hari, semuanya berakhir sendiri. Kita akan memikirkan esok hari, yang sama lagi. Berhitung-putar hingga hari lagi, sampai mati,

Pasek, who wrote the lyrics of five songs on this album, said that the mini album Malam talked about a struggle and how to live it.

"We're not talking about death, not about life either. We're talking about struggles, how are we going to go through? How long are we going to stand? Until where do we have to stop, do we have to wait to die?" Pasek said.

Not without reason when Jangar put the song Iwan Fals on his new album. They feel like they have something in common with the Indonesian music legend. After going through several considerations, Finally, More Dead Ones were chosen to re-record.

The patterns of arrangement and lyric writing style are similar to Jangar. We started the workshop for several songs on the album and we chose this song because it represented the most the mini album Malam," said Dewa.

Furthermore, the song titled Tanah became Jangar's mainstay on this album. This song tells the story of everyone having a point where he doesn't want to get up, after suffering a failure or loss that cannot be cured. In this situation no one can save him other than himself.

Through the night, we want to appreciate every life that tries to find the meaning of existence, fight against our own thoughts, continue to live even though the body has been mentally and physically broken apart. Until we die, will there be things that we regret? Is there any intention to come back and fix life choices that take us today? Pasek concluded.

For information, six songs from the mini Malam album can be heard on various digital music platforms.

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