JAKARTA - Differences in views on the system used in collecting royalties for performing rights, especially live events or concerts, not only cause confusion among the public.

Although not directly, Judika said that the chaos about royalties caused confusion among music industry players. He hopes for clarity.

"If I want everything to be made according to the rules, so that everyone is not confused about what the rules are," Judika told the media crew in Rawamangun, East Jakarta, Sunday, January 28.

Judika doesn't mind the direct license system voiced by some songwriters, but she wants the system to be agreed upon and contained in a clear regulation.

He saw that uncertainty resulted in mutual subpoenas between musicians, even though musicians should unite to solve problems.

Even if it's direct license, the rules are made clear, so don't summon each other. Yes, that's not this (bagud), it should be a compact musician," said Judika.

"That's how the rules are made, agreed, fought for. Well, that's what is obeyed. So, there are special rules in terms of law," he added.

Emphasizing his position on the chaos about royalties, Judika expressed her support for Indonesia's better music ecosystem.

"What is clear is that I am a musician, I am also a songwriter, yes, we must support all the best," concluded Judika.

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