JAKARTA - Mudvayne's vocalist, Chad Gray said that the current metal band waves are all "heard the same", unlike when he started making music.

The vocalist, recently spoke to The Underground Australia, where he was asked about his views on the influence of nu-metal and its generation in today's music world.

"Bung, maybe I shouldn't say this, but I don't care. Because I am me, and there is something I want to say, and I will say it. Music now for me - God bless them, a new band - but sound uniform. All new music reminds me of the same thing," Gray said.

“Saya mengikuti Ozzfest 2001,” lanjutnya. “Jadi kamu punya Slipknot, [Marilyn] Manson, Papa Roach, Disturbed, Mudvayne, Drowning Pool… Setiap band, semua band yang saya sebut, tidak ada yang terdengar sama. Tidak satu pun dari mereka. Dan saya pikir itulah mengapa ini adalah waktu yang istimewa dalam musik karena semua orang membawa apa yang mereka bawa ke meja. Anda punya System of a Down dan banyak sekali band, kawan. Dan semuanya sangat orisinal dan semuanya melakukan ciri khas mereka sendiri. Kami adalah bagian dari itu.”

Mudvayne himself returns to play together for the first time in 12 years in 2021. The band nu-metal, formed in 1996 and consists of Gray (vocals), Greg Tribbett (guitar, vocals), Matthew McDonough (drum, synthesizer) and Ryan Martinie (bass), vacuum in 2010, a year after the release of their self-titled fifth studio album.

Since then, Gray has been the vocalist of HellGod's band, where Mudvayne guitarist Tribbett is a former member.

Continuing his omel to the new artist, Gray added: What the band does when they see this new band, and everyone joins the new band, it doesn't even matter because they are a new band.... Even when I came out in 2001... my influence came from 1981 [or] 1983. Like 20 years, almost 20 years before I released my first album. I didn't rob a band from 1999 and release my album in 2001.

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