JAKARTA - Pongki Barata is known as a singer and songwriter who started his career with Jikustik with his debut album titled Seribu Tahun which was released in 2000.

Currently, Pongki is no longer with the band that catapulted his name, although he is one of the songwriters who most often produces hits for Jikustik.

Pongki chose music with a group called The Dangerous Band, a team that has actually accompanied him as a soloist since 2017. Together with the new band, Pongki Barata re-released songs he had written for Jikustik.

Throughout 2023, five Jikustic materials were rearranged and released under the flag of The Dangerous Band. The five songs are Sorry, When You're Not Here, Thousand Years Old, Loyal, and No Eternal.

Through his Instagram account, Pongki Barata said that the re-release of Jikustic material was not without risk. He is well aware of the comparison between old and new arrangements.

"Rerelease the song Seribu Tahun Lamanya bukan tanpa risiko. Terutama, pasti dibanding-bandingkan dengan rilisan awal di Jikustik (dan bahkan Tulus)," tulis Pongki Barata melalui unggahan Instagram, Rabu, 17 Januari.

"For me personally there is no problem with that. Because I realize that what has happened in the past must be grateful," he continued.

Pongki said there was no problem when re-released Jikustik material. He admitted that he still maintains good relations with the band Icha led.

Furthermore, Pongki also revealed other difficulties when working on old materials. Realizing that it could not please everyone, the 46-year-old singer said there were still many positive responses so far.

The second difficulty is how to make this song fresh again without losing its true aura. In the end I can only try. Can't please everyone," said Pongki Barata.

The vision of a Thousand Years is still original, but it's a different vibe. Together with The Dangerous, I've brought this version live on stage. So far the client didn't protest.

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