Try New Things, Stereocase Uses AI For Video Clip You
Stereocase release video clip for single You (doc. Special)

Stereocase has just released a video clip for You, the second single which is the material for the extended play (EP) or a mini album titled 2.3 which will be present in March.

Meanwhile, You have been present on various digital music platforms since December 24, 2023, while the video clip came on January 5 last week.

Stereocase uses artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the production of video clips, which illustrates their enthusiasm to try new and contemporary things.

"We are always excited to try new things that have not been done before, so this time we made an AI animation to change characters and the environment with the concept of cyberpunk," said Fadli Rezasyah (vocals) in his statement, Thursday, January 11.

Fadli himself plays the director for the video clip You. This video begins by showing all the scenes and stories that you want to show along with a model called Shakira Alatas.

Next, go to the editing process to change the results of the shooting earlier and make it an animated work with the help of AI.

"About a week more for the animation conversion process to AI. But shooting only takes a day," said Richard (guitar).

For Stereocase, You is an offering to everyone with a different background who has provided relentless support.

"This Support System can be anyone, from across races, ages, gender, and that's why we want to dedicate this song to all of us and everyone from different backgrounds," said Iqif (keyboards).

Stereocase hopes that the video clip You will provide a new color for their music and with AI animations. They hope to inspire many people to develop creativity.

For information, the video clip You can be watched on Stereocase's YouTube channel.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by